아프가니스탄 수도 카불을 탈출한 아프칸 난민 20여명이 미국정부가 제공한 항공기편으로 28일 새벽 필라델피아 국제공항에 도착, 입국절차를 밟고 있다.
필라델피아시는 이들 난민들의 의료와 숙박 등을 지원하기 위해 각종 구호단체와 협력체제를 구축하고 다양한 이민자봉사단체들과도 연계해 아프가니스탄 난민들이 정착을 위해 필요한 소셜서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 준비하고 있다.
필라시와 구호단체들은 27일 밤부터 물과 생필품 등을 준비하고 공항 입국장에서 대기하고 있는 것으로 필라시 관계자가 밝혔다. NBC10 방송은 오늘 “아프칸 난민들이 타고온 비행기에서 내려 의사의 검진과 코비드19 감염여부를 체크하고 음식, 물, 아기 기저귀 같은 생필품을 받은 뒤 버스를 타고 가까운 군기지로 이동했다”고 보도했다. 아프칸 난민들은 군기지에서 며칠간 머물다 미국내 다음 정착지로 떠날 예정인 것으로 알려지고 있다. 필라시 등 당국은 이들 난민들의 구체적인 행선지를 자세히 밝히지 않고 있다.
현재 아프칸 난민들의 미국내 입국 공항은 버지니아의 둘레스 국제공항과 필라델피아 국제공항이다. 짐 케니 필라시장은 “필라델피아는 아프칸 가족들을 환영하고 난민들을 위한 입국 장소를 제공하게 되어 기쁘다”며 “연방과 주정부의 기관들과 협력해 아프칸 난민들이 미국에서 안전한 피난처를 찾을 수 있도록 협력하고 있다”고 27일 밝혔다.
케니시장은 또 “필라시가 환영하는 도시로서 우리나라에 도착하는 아프칸 가족들과 개인들의 권리와 존엄성을 지켜주기 위해 나서고 있다”고 덧붙였다.
필라델피아시는 각종 봉사단체들을 통해 난민들을 위한 통역, 의료지원 등을 제공하고 있다고 밝히고 난민들을 돕기위한 도네이션을 원할 경우에는 필라시 이민국( City’s Office of Immigrant Affairs)과 함께 협력하고 있는 다민족서비스센터( Nationalities Services Center)와 HIAS 펜실베니아(HIAS Pennsylvania) 단체 등에 연락해 줄 것을 당부했다.
The City of Philadelphia and Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) are coordinating with the federal government’s Operation Allies Refuge to provide a point-of-entry location for individuals evacuated from Afghanistan.
PHL is the second airport in the country to welcome arrivals as part of this federally-led operation, in addition to Dulles International Airport in Virginia. The City stands ready to provide medical assistance, housing, and connection to the diverse community of immigrant service providers who can assist with an array of social services.
According to NBC10 people with knowledge of the process told NBC10 that the refugees were medically examined and screened for COVDI-19 after getting off the plane, and after getting food, water and necessities like baby diapers, they were escorted to a bus to be taken to a nearby military base.
“Afghan families are welcome in Philadelphia, and we are proud to provide a point of entry for evacuees. We are working with state and federal agencies to support those seeking a safe haven in the United States. This is a humanitarian operation in which government agencies and partner organizations are ready to provide services for people who will arrive in the coming days. In Philadelphia, we know our diversity is our strength. As a welcoming city we stand ready to protect the rights and dignity of the Afghan individuals and families arriving in our country,” said Mayor Jim Kenney.
The City cannot confirm information on how many people are expected and when they are arriving. Reporters can contact the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security for more information.
MRC Call for Volunteers: Many of the refugees coming to Philadelphia through this operation do not speak English. To communicate with them, the City is asking for help from volunteers who can interpret in Dari or Pashto.
All volunteers who can provide interpretation services are required to be members of the Philadelphia Medical Reserve Corps (MRC). The MRC is a group of more than 2,500 volunteers who serve the City during public health emergencies and large-scale events.
To sign up, visit the SERVPA website and select “Medical Reserve Corps Organizations” from the drop down menu, then select “Philadelphia MRC” from the secondary menu. The MRC is actively reviewing applications and will be in touch as soon as possible.
Medical Preparation: Through partnerships with the Health Department, Fire Department, and other providers, the City is prepared to respond to any medical or health needs that may arise among the evacuees.
Donations: The best way to support relief organizations is through monetary donations to vetted groups who are providing immediate and long-term aid. In Philadelphia, the City’s Office of Immigrant Affairs is working with Nationalities Services Center and HIAS Pennsylvania.
If you wish to donate material goods, the United States Coast Guard Atlantic Strike Team based at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey has created a list of goods and materials to donate directly to incoming refugees. HIAS Pennsylvania is also accepting in-kind donations.