펜실베니아보건국은 14일 질병통제국이 승인한 3차접종 방침을 펜주내 접종기관에 통보했다. 이에 따라 병원 등 펜주 코비드19 백신접종 기관은 화이자와 모더나 2차접종을 마친 개인들 가운데 면역력이 약화된 경우 3차 접종을 할 수 있게 됐다.
펜주 알리슨 빔(Alison Beam) 보건국장 대행은 “연방정부가 백신 2차접종을 마친 개인들 가운데 면역력이 약화된 경우 3차 접종을 받을 수 있는 기회를 가질 수 있도록 조치를 취한 것을 기쁘게 생각한다”고 밝혔다.
빔 보건국장은 또 “보건국은 이미 백신 접종기관과 이들 취약한 펜실베니아주민들을 보호하기 위해 함께 일하고 있고 지금까지 성공적인 백신접종 노력과 현재의 백신 공급 상황을 볼 때 3차접종대상 인력들의 수요를 충분히 감당할 수 있을 것이다”고 전했다.
3차 접종을 원하는 개인들은 담당의사와 자신의 건강기록과 현재의 건강상태 등과 추가적인 백신접종을 할 수 있는 지에 대해 반드시 상의해야 한다. 질병통제국은 화이자와 모더나사의 코비드19 백신 2차접종을 마친 개인들 이외의 다른 백신 접종자들에 대한 추가 백신접종은 현재 권장하지 않고 있다.
The Pennsylvania Department of Health today notified all COVID-19 vaccine providers that immunocompromised individuals who are fully vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna are able to receive an additional dose. The notification follows recommendations announced today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).
“We are pleased that the federal government is taking steps to ensure individuals who are immunocompromised have the opportunity to receive another layer of protection against COVID-19,” Acting Secretary of Health Alison Beam said. “The department is already working with vaccine providers on this important protection for these vulnerable Pennsylvanians. We are confident in our ability to meet the needs of this critical population by our previous successful vaccination efforts and current vaccine supply.”
Currently, the CDC is recommending that moderately to severely immunocompromised people who are fully vaccinated with Pfizer and Moderna receive an additional dose of vaccine.
Individuals should consult their health care provider if they are unsure as to whether they are moderately or severely immunocompromised based on their health condition, history, or status. Immunocompromised individuals who are fully vaccinated with Pfizer and Moderna and are looking to receive this additional dose of the respective vaccine, should consult their health care provider before scheduling a vaccine appointment. Additionally, health care providers are encouraged to communicate with their patients who would benefit from an additional dose.
The FDA has not recommended an additional dose for other individuals at this time.
“We encourage unvaccinated eligible individuals to get vaccinated to help protect people in our community who are unable to get vaccinated, like those who are under the age of 12,” Beam said.